Friday, October 26, 2012

Life and Death on the Farm

When I went out this morning to feed the chickens & let them out for the day, I discovered one of the little black Polish birds dead and severely mauled in the chicken yard. Clumps of frizzy feathers lay scattered as evidence of the struggle.

I immediately went into "Counting Chickens" mode, and was able to account for every one except the other little black Polish bird, whose body I found inside the chicken house on the floor, next to where they typically slept.

Once my chores were completed, I gathered the little birds up and brought them well away from the chicken house, and then alerted my son Michael. He went with me out to the chicken house to "investigate the scene of the crime," good naturedly scolding me for having moved the bodies (I watch crime-solving shows on TV).

We examined the scene and determined that some sort of predatory creature - I'm thinking raccoon, Michael thinks it was a wild cat of some description - had climbed up the fencing and entered  through about a six-inch gap between the fence and the roof over the chicken yard. It appears that the predator killed the two birds and then attempted to leave with one, but couldn't maneuver the little Polie through the opening, and dropped him back in the chicken yard where we found him. That may have been about the time Annie the Dog was outside barking like the end of the world at something out there last night.

Usually when Annie barks at something outside, I just ask her what she's barking at and she comes right in. Sometimes I'll look to see if there is any suspicious activity, but I rarely consider venturing into the dark to see what the trouble is. Annie's pretty good at frightening off anyone or anything I wouldn't like to be out there, as I think she probably did last night. We lost two, but Annie probably kept it from being more than two.

I am sad that these two little guys are gone, and we are already looking at what more we need to do to keep the rest of the chickens safe. I certainly am not above going all Mammy Yokum with a loaded weapon if I have to! But first we're trying additional security measures. (Heavy sigh.) Predators, Be Advised! You are now on notice!

(as if raccoons read blogs)

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