Annie has been favoring her right foreleg, and limping, so I took her to the vet.
She has some sort of injury, including an abrasion to the pad of her paw, upon which she walks. The vet (trimmed her toenails and) bandaged up Annie's paw. When they came back into the exam room where I was waiting, the first thing Annie did was try to figure out how to get the door open so she could escape. They design those places pretty well, so that she was unable to escape, so she "hid" under the chairs instead, where I snapped the photo showing her cute little pink bandage.
They sent up home with pills and The CONE. The vet tech called it "The Cone of Healing," (although the rest of the world knows it as "The Cone of Shame.") The instructions were to keep the bandage on for three days, and the cone for seven days. I took the second picture of Annie wearing the cone. Poor thing, she was so miserable!

They sent up home with pills and The CONE. The vet tech called it "The Cone of Healing," (although the rest of the world knows it as "The Cone of Shame.") The instructions were to keep the bandage on for three days, and the cone for seven days. I took the second picture of Annie wearing the cone. Poor thing, she was so miserable!
After a couple hours, I took pity on her. I called her over to me and explained that the reason she was wearing this was so that she would leave her foot bandage alone. I said I'd take it off, but she has to NOT lick or chew on that foot bandage. "Do you understand?" I asked her. Then I removed the cone.
She is pretty good about, if I tell her to stop doing something, she does. So I went about my business, keeping one eye on her. When she started for the bandage, I said, "Hey. You have to leave that alone, or I'll have to put the hat back on you," picking up the "hat" (cone) to show her.
She has done an amazing job of leaving her bandage alone, good doggy.
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