After Mom died, Dad got a little Golden-Doodle doggie named Jenny. By and by Jenny had a litter of pups. He kept one of the pups, of similar coloring to Jenny, and her name is Ripley. Ripley is a sweet girl. While I was up in Oklahoma for Dad's funeral, Someone asked me if I'd be open to bringing Ripley home with me. I discussed it with Mr. Bowers, and he was agreeable, so now I have Ripley. She is such a sweet puppy! Well, 9+ years old, but puppy-like in her sense of joy.
She is a little clingy, but a good thing about a clingy doggie is that I don't have to worry so much about her running off. For example, Annie was a Go-Go-Doggie - if she saw free air, she would take off. Granted, she WOULD come back, if nobody caught her, but, being a friendly dog, she often got caught, and then I'd get a phone call, "I have your dog." Ripley, though - if I need to open the door to do something in the "Free Air," Ripley will come see what I'm doing, but stays close, doesn't run off, and comes back in with me when I call her.
I'm so grateful and happy to have this sweet little pupper.
Thanks to Dad for raising her well, and thanks to my family for entrusting her to me. 

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