Monday, March 21, 2011

What'm I going to cook first?

My friend Renay in Cooperstown asked me what I's gonna cook first, now that all our inspections have passed.

I'm going to wash up "Vishu the Preserver" (my 22 qt canning pressure cooker) and can some homegrown carrots. They overwintered nicely in the ground but I had to pull them so the guy could run the tiller in the garden.

Okay, I hear you wondering, she calls her husband "the guy?" Ehhh - no. A friend of ours came out and ran the tiller so Steve could stay on task with the house.  Put in a good eight hours tilling that garden up, but I did have to get the carrots out first. So I'm going to can them. I already have a box of new jars!

Tomorrow I am going to make up a nice, big cheesy tuna casserole with a crispy topping. Oh, are we looking forward to that!

I have to ask Steve if we can put stuff in the kitchen cabinets yet, because they don't have doors yet ("We don't need no steenkeen doors!") and I have to see if we need to put another layer of polyurethane on the cabinets.

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