Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hippo Birdie and Other Cards

This day is overcast, temp in the 40's and windy, windy, windy, but I got outside ANYWAY and moved some dirt into four-foot square patches for this season's garden. Nowhere near done yet, but it's in the works. I have planted five squares of Pontiac Red potatoes, one square of "candy" onions, and one square with some sugar snap peas, some spinach, some radishes, and some lettuce. The garden book says all these things can, yes, be planted as soon as the ground can be worked, so that's what I did...even though WeatherBoy says we're supposed to get snow overnight and tomorrow.

Inside, I'm stacked up to here with paperwork, and out in the multi-purpose building I have some insulation to hang in my very own soon-to-be studio, so there's always something to do!

Steve asked me what did I want for my birthday and I hadn't thought about it all that much, but I said I believe I'd like a steak dinner at Cattleman's, so, weather permitting, looks like that's what we're gonna do Friday night.

That heading, Hippo Birdie, is from a birthday card I got many, many years ago, and it's one of my favorites. It's a pictoral pun, with a drawing which depicts "Hippo, Birdie, Two Ewes." This has now become a standard birthday greeting in our house and in our close circles. So in case you didn't already, now you know about Hippo Birdie.

Another favorite birthday card contained a drawing of a piece of bread, animated like a little stick man, only bread instead of a stick, with a toaster in the background. This bread-character is holding a table knife with butter on it, and saying, "You're not getting oleo, you're getting butter!"  Some who know me and my love for sweet cream lightly salted dairy butter will appreciate the humor.

Speaking of cute cards, early on in Steve's and my relationship, he gave me a card that had on the front, a drawing of a little red lawnmower up on a hill, and when you opened the card it said, "Each day I love you a little mower." We've had so much fun with that over the years!

So Hippo Birdie to my friend Lisa on the 25th, and thanks to everyone who has already wished me a Hippo Birdie while you were thinkin' of it. Y'all are a big ol' bunch of sweethearts!

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