Here's our new barn. They got it from a stack of materials to this configuration in about a week or so, plus or minus. Today another crew is evening and smoothing the dirt inside in prep for the concrete pour, which should take place in the morning. That'll be good, to get the concrete poured before the rains come on Sunday (or Saturday night).
I knew the dimensions we were looking to cover, and I was all over the site after Steve staked it out, and when the dirt man came in and built the pad up for the building, but it wasn't really until they started getting the walls up until I could see how big this thing really is! "This thing is huge, baby," to quote Tiny Elvis. Or Billy Fucillo. It's a big mammer-jammer.

Our Morton man, Charles, was out here most of the morning, overseeing and fining up the details, and he asked me, "How would you feel about pouring tomorrow? Would that be okay?"
"Would that be okay? Oh, I don't know, let me check my appointment book - YEAH!"
Steve says, "Hey Now!"
So they're getting the ground ready.
Hot Potatoes!
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