I don't remember quite how long we've been doing this, whether it's been two and a half or three years, now, but a small group of friends have been coming to my house most Thursdays to engage in a sort of meditative process for purposes of spiritual growth and of building the bridge between the worlds. Every week takes some dedication, especially when two of the attendees live, maybe, thirty, forty miles away. We often take off for a few weeks in the late summer when one of the attendees goes up north to visit her family, so we have recently reconvened.
Yes, it takes some dedication to come every week. Our attendance has grown and diminished over time, eventually settling on the current four (including myself), and our evenings are usually interesting. Sometimes (often) someone queries our non-physical advisors as to what is it that we should be doing. This question came up again tonight. My thought nearly always is, "Remain willing," as in keep showing up and "don't quit five minutes before the miracle," as some of my friends might say. But tonight when the question came up, almost immediately someone suggested, what if we go to meeting every other week, instead of every week.
Now, I must say, it is amazing that we have been meeting as long as we have. There are some who didn't think we'd last as long as six months, so we've already blown expectations. And, to be honest, there have been times that I thought, gee, if everyone wanted to call the whole thing off, I'd be okay with that. It's at my house, so I have that responsibility. But now that someone has said, "What if we cut back to every other week," (and we are vey clear about which weeks we'd be "on" and which weeks we'd be "off,") I find myself thinking this might be the beginning of the end. I can't help but wonder, if we're meeting every other week, how long will it be until people find themselves busy on "our" week, and then dribble off to nothing. I mean, a business that doesn't keep regular hours doesn't seem to stay in business vey well. We're not a restaurant or a nail salon, but I think it won't be that long before people start getting mixed up about when they're supposed to be here, and when they're not. I will be surprised if we're still meeting by January first. So we'll see. I'd love to be wrong about this. We'll just have to see.
Meanwhile, I'll try not to be such a stranger to this blog. I know, "promises, promises!" Maybe we'll see about that, too. I just realized the last time I posted here in No, Really was in October of 2016, nearly two years ago! And that was the only post of that year! Okay, well, I'll try to do better.