We thought we'd let her sleep with us, but she wouldn't come up the stairs, which turned out to be okay because she was such a character to EAT everything she could get her mouth on! I always warn visitors, "You better pick that up if you want to keep it - Annie will eat it!" So upstairs turned out to be a haven, a safe place, where you could take things and not worry about Annie getting them.
Hmmm, until today, maybe. Son Michael and I had gone on an errand and when we got back, Annie was UPSTAIRS! She seemed a little startled, reminding me of someonw getting caught red-handed and acting like they didn't know anything about it - "What? Where am I? How did this happen?" We talked her to the top of the stairs and she managed to come downstairs under her own steam. Mike and I went upstairs for a status check, and it looked like the only thing she's done was slick up Cookie's (one of the cats) food dish. While I was up there Annie came BACK upstairs, but then ran back down when she saw me see her, funny little dog. Of course Cookie is NOWHERE to be found, and I don't know when I'll ever see her if Annie starts sleeping with me, but I'm pretty sure Cookie'll get over it eventually.
I guess we'll see what happens. Meanwhile, I'll have to be extra diligent to keep Cookie's (upstairs) cat box cleaned out and find a place up somewhere for Cookie's food. Never a dull moment, huh?