I had a long list of errands to run today, leaving at about 12:45 or so. I got a call from the delivery man who wanted to make sure he knew where we were so he could deliver the sink, so I wasn't so surprised to see this big brown box on the porch when I got back.
The surprise came when I walked around to the back of the house to talk to Steve, who is painting the woodwork around the bay window, and I saw this electric pole laying on the ground - which means OEC came out and put the meter on the house! I am thrilled!
As I did a little happy dance, Steve said, "You oughta leave more often!"
See, we've been operating everything in the house from heavy duty extension cords that we ran from the gray box under the meter on the pole, and now we can simply plug things in, in the house! We have ceiling lamps (with bulbs in them!) too, so now we can continue working after sundown and actually still see what we're doing!
I know this seems like a really simple thing to get excited about, but just for a social experiment some time when you actually do have tons of stuff to do, consider trying to operate a significant project with only the power from a couple of contractor extension cords. It's about one step up from roughing it in Yellowstone. But now we have electricity in the house!
I am extremely happy about this, in case you can't tell.
...and now I hear the next question forming in your mind, and no, we cannot move in quite yet. We have to get the cabinets finished enough to get the plumbing finished (but we do have the kitchen sink now!) and we have to get the heat and air finished and a little more work by the electrician, and some flooring. Can't put appliances in until the floors are down. So we're not quite "There" yet, but I can sure see it from here!