Sunday, August 23, 2015


"I had a dream about tending to a beehive. I was getting the honey. 
Mrs. Vicki, what do you think this could mean?"  Monica K."  
That sounds like a good dream! Bees ARE very busy, and making honey isn't the only thing they do.

They, of course, are significant pollinators of plants, and are involved in other things too complex to go into here. Honey is a by-product of their efforts, and now that they've been so busy and done all that work, they have a hive full of honey to sustain themselves through the winter, and a little extra to share with their beekeeper. Getting the honey represents reaping or harvesting or retrieving the benefits of all that hard work and activity.

Couple more points to bear in mind: remember that the benefit is the result of a lot of focused, diligent work. The beekeeper must remember to leave some of the honey with the bees so they can survive to work another season. And the work is never over. The bees have to get up every blessed day and do it all over again. They don't even think about it, they just do what's in front of them to do, and they keep doing it. With all this in mind, it's good to remember that every dream is about the dreamer, and everyone in the dream represents some aspect of the dreamer, so you are the beekeeper, who facilitates or makes a way and a place for the bees to live, watching out for them, making sure they're safe so they can continue working. Not only that, but you are also the bees, doing something every day to support your survival and even prosperity, along with the survival and prosperity of your family - doing what's in front of you to do, even if it seems dull and drudgery sometimes (which it's not, really) and even though it may not seem glamorous and spectacular. But if you think about it, what bees do - going from flower to flower, gathering nectar and pollen, bringing it home and turning that into food for the "family," the hive, and working together, and the way they protect themselves, and each other, even to the death if necessary - think about it - that really is extraordinary! And yet it's just another day in the life for the bees - and for you, too!

Awesome dream! Think of these things, especially when you're at your wits' end. I hope it will help revive you, the way honey revives the bees and adds pleasure to our lives.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Dwarf Planets

I recently received this photo of Dwarf Planets. I was familiar with some of the names, and the idea that they represented  ancient mythological deities and, as such, carried special meaning. This made me curious about the others, so I looked them up. Here is what I discovered:
Ceres is the Roman goddess of agriculture.
Vesta is the hearth goddess.
Pallas is the Greek Titan god of warcraft.
Hygiea is the Greek goddess of health.
Eris is the goddess personification of strife and discord.
Dysnomia is a daughter of Eris. Her name means “Lawlessness,” and is also the name of a disorder wherein one has difficulty remembering words or names.
Pluto is a god of the underworld.
Charon is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls across the river Styx.
Makemake is the Rapa Nui creator of humanity and god of fertility.
Haumea is the Hawiian goddess of childbirth.
Namaka is a daughter of Haumea and is the Hawaiian goddess of the sea.
Hi’iaka is a daughter of Haumea and is the patron goddess of the Big Island of Hawaii.
Sedna is the Inuit goddess of the sea, believed to live at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
Orcus is an Italic/Roman god of the underworld and punisher of broken oaths.
Quaor (pronounced “Kwawar”) is a Tongva creator god.
Varuna is a Hindu god of water and the celestial ocean, and of the law of the underworld.
Vanth (a moon of Orcus) is a winged Etruscan psychopomp who guides the souls of the departed to the underworld.

Jupiter's moons are named after his lovers.
Saturn's moons are named after fellow Titans.
Kuiper Belt objects are named after mythological deities, with preference given to creator deities.
A Psychopomp is a creature or entity that assists in the transition between this life and the beyond. Some specialize in bringing new lives forth here, and some specialize in guiding the newly departed to the next realm.  When guiding the departed, Psychopomps do not judge, they merely guide.