Monday, September 7, 2015

More about Bees

"I dreamt that a bee kept on following me then sat down on my dress I could not shake it off, please what does that mean?"  Hester P.
Thank you for your question, Hester. 
In your dream, a bee has come to you, and won't go away. This seems unsettling, perhaps because you don't know why it came to you, and maybe you're not sure what it might do, so there may be some sense of apprehension or fear. Let me say here that every dream is about the dreamer, and everyone, or every thing in the dream, represents some aspect of the dreamer's self. Dreams are a way that our higher mind tries to communicate with us; as such, dreams are a way for us to learn things, primarily about ourselves,  so that we can be better people and live better, fuller, more effective lives.

In your dream, the bee followed you, then sat on your dress, and you were unable to shake it off.

Garments (your dress) represent how we present ourselves to the world. In your dream, you are wearing a dress, a customary garment for females in many parts of the world. This is about the way that you seek to fit in and be "one of," a member of your community.

Bees represent diligence, going on, moving forward, no matter what. Because of their honey, they represent the sweetness of life, reward for diligence, hard work, and right behavior. They also represent accomplishing the impossible, because their bodies are supposed to be too large for their wings, which should make it impossible for them to fly, and yet they do fly. So the Bee is a symbol of accomplishing that which you put you mind to, even when it seems impossible.   
As I mentioned before, bees work every day, no matter what. They go from flower to flower, gathering nectar and pollen, and bring it "home" to the hive and turn it into food for the "family." They are fairly peaceful most of the time, because they have a lot of work to do in order to survive. They are too busy to get involved in a lot of drama that really doesn't have anything to do with them. Yes, they peacefully tend to their own business, but they can be fierce if necessary. When threatened, they will protect themselves and each other - but they really have to mean it if they are going to sting someone, because when a bee stings someone, it loses its stinger, and then it dies, so that is a last resort option. 

So - all of this - diligence, sweetness, reward, hard work, doing the right thing, accomplishing the "impossible," because that is what you are determined to do, behaving peacefully unless threatened, but able to be fierce when necessary - all this is represented to you in the form of a little bee. It sat on your dress and would not be removed.

Since every dream is about the dreamer, and everyone and every thing in the dream represents some aspect of the dreamer, I can tell you that there are parts of you that are like the bee as I just described it. And since it landed on your dress, (which represents how you present yourself to the world) and wouldn't go away, this is a message to encourage you to cultivate and further develop these qualities of the bee in yourself - the qualities of diligence, sweetness, hard work, accepting and partaking of the reward for that hard work, doing the right thing (behaving morally), moving forward, even through adversity or opposition, doing so in as peaceful a manner as possible and avoiding excessive drama (which distracts and is counterproductive), and yet having the ability to stand up for yourself and those you love if that becomes necessary. Focus on these qualities. They already exist within you!

Thank you for sharing your dream with me, Hester. I hope this interpretation has been helpful.